Turning our own thoughts to Thanksgiving
This Thursday Thanksgiving will be celebrated throughout the United States.
It is a very special holiday coinciding with the changing of the seasons when people are grateful for the rich products of the soil which have been harvested and stored for the colder months ahead.
Nowadays it is customary for people to gather with family and friends to share a Thanksgiving meal usually a roasted turkey, stuffing, vegetables, cranberry sauce and perhaps a pumpkin pie for dessert, to give thanks together for the food on our tables and all the other blessings of our lives. It is also a time for appreciating the love we share and to spend time thinking of those less fortunate than ourselves.
The essence of Thanksgiving is not only celebrated in America. In many other cultures around the world people set aside special days and festivals to express similar sentiments; gratitude, love and sharing. At Adaste Home we are turning our own thoughts to Thanksgiving. We have asked each member of our team to tell us what makes each of them feel grateful. We would like to share some of their thoughts with you.
Gulfer: For the bounty of the natural world and for my mother who brought me into this world.
Mert: For the fact that I can work in the field that I enjoy most with a wonderful group of people.
Sera: For our good health, for the loved ones around us and for being able to do the work I love most.
Lale: For being alive, for the opportunity to be productive and for the spirit of togetherness that we experience in our working environment.
We wish everyone a joyful and thoughtful Thanksgiving.